I like to buy new shirts. There. I said it. Kind of like a confession. But, I find myself in a different place today. This past month, Mike and I (okay, maybe more Mike) decided to do a budget freeze. Basically, anything outside of groceries, gas and diapers is just not an option. In the same way that this has, on many levels, been difficult, it has been SO freeing! A while back, I was praying that we, as a family, would not be mastered by anything! I don't know about you, but I am SO easily mastered. Sometimes, I feel like if you just dangle a carrot (or a shirt or a house) in front of me, I'll just follow. Eventually, I began to believe that I NEED that 'carrot' and will not be satisfied until it is mine. Ew. What a gross, 'running the treadmill', way of living. When I allow 'things' to be my master, I will always and forever be disappointed.
Matthew 6:24 states, 'No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or will be devoted to the one and despise the other. you cannot serve God and wealth.'
How many times have I read that and didn't think it really applied to me cause I don't love money and I would not be considered wealthy...to some at least. BUT, when I see this verse today, I realize there are many things that can master me and I just am SICK of it! Praise God. I'm seeing, more and more, the 'thing' that I think is bringing me freedom is actually enslaving me.
1 Corinthians 6:12- All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.
God is so faithful eh? I am so thankful for how He gently reminds us and draws us to Himself. Praise God!
And just cause he's cute, I'll end with this (hope he always feels this way about the Word). :)
Great post Anj. You are so right -there are so many areas that still need to be conformed to him!
Trish! Thanks for leaving comments. You're so encouraging (not just because you leave comments though). :)
What a great word! Only the Lord is good - and how easy it is for us to forget that simple yet life transforming fact!
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