Contentment in Christ
A little while back, I was given the privilege of speaking to a group of wonderful young adult ladies. In hopes of challenging them to be content in Christ, no matter what their circumstance, I was definitely challenged myself. So, through some study, prayer and experience, here are some ways I am challenged to be content in Christ alone!
Contentment in Christ comes:
1. When I am not mastered by anything!
Galatians 5:1
2. When I repent of my idols…and do it before it’s too late!
Psalm 81:9
3. When I am surrendered to God’s will for me.
4. When I study who He is and remember His promises and all He has already done.
Psalm 34:8-11
5. When I make the most of even the mundane for Christ.
6. When I get over myself and serve others.
Philippians 2:13-18
7. In the most unexpected places.
Jeremiah 15:16, Psalm 81:16
8. When I keep my sense of Humour
Proverbs 31:25
9. When I rejoice when others receive something I’ve always wanted. Romans 12:15-18
10. Overall, contentment comes when I learn it!
Philippians 4:11-12
I would love to hear how are you learning to be content in Christ alone.
Great post, Ang. God has taught me alot about contentment (and in turn, trust) this year. I could choose to be discontent with what I have and miss out on the miracles that are happening daily in my life.SO that is what I have learned, to choose daily to be content in God and with what I have been blessed with.
Great post--reminds me of summer 2004 and the Voyage to Contentment! Miss you!
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