
Monday, May 17, 2010

A Close Second.

As I stated earlier seeing little bean reading with his 'DADEE' really is an amazing present, hubby did hit our weekend away, out of the park!  He started off by picking me up from work early (this was a surprise...followed by many) and then we headed down to meet his parents to drop off Wyatt so we could be on our way.  
We stayed downtown Toronto at the Royal York (fit for the queen) and just hung out in the city, ate REALLY great (I mean REALLY GREAT) food and ran around in the rain.  It POURED, but not on our parade.  It was so fun and funny to walk into this posh hotel, leaving puddles of water in our trail...definitely felt a little out of place!  Some of the evening was spent blow drying shoes.
We then left Toronto Saturday afternoon and headed to Niagara Falls.  Mike's parents gave us a night there for my birthday.  It was FREEZING, but again, we at REALLY great food and just relaxed.  It was wonderful. 

1 comment:

Army said...

Ooohhh, good times Beauty!