Growing up, I had a constant battle with a cluster of warts on the bottom of my foot. I know, cluster is a gross word, but it could be worse, I could have added the images. Anyways, as you can imagine, I was so embarrassed of these nasty things that I would do whatever it took to hide them. Always wearing socks, making sure my feet were flat on the ground, bandaids, you name it, I tried it. I went to the doctor to see what he could do and he began the 'freezing process'.
Well, that kind of worked...for a bit. But then those pesky things found their way back to the surface of my skin. UGH! And so the process began again. That said doctor told me in order to get rid of them, I needed to make them bleed! Okay, so I am about to confess here (even more than I have) I started to begin my own 'dewarting' procedure. I would pick at that thing, hoping to expose and kill all the roots I could. BUT, this was a painful process. I could only handle so much and so I would need to stop. It hurt more than I could bear!
So, I carried my fungus to college. It's there I met a dear friend, a true 'wart hater'. She wanted to do her part in getting them out of my life and she began to 'dig' with me. That's right, she got down and dirty and helped me to get to the roots, no matter how painful. Even when it hurt, she just kept digging! Who does that? Katie does. Everyone needs a Katie in their life! Anyways, back to the wart. So on it went, until finally I went to a wart specialist and after a few bi-weekly visits, I became wart FREE! Did I hear some Amens?!
To no surprise I'm sure, I HATED those warts! They stole some beauty from me, but they have taught me MANY lessons. You see, I have another gross problem and have encountered many others finding themselves in the same ugly boat . These warts have taught me this problem can be dealt with too. This other 'wart' is a desire in of myself to sin, to 'behave' in a certain way that I hope to never behave in again. I've discovered that this 'wart' often has VERY deep roots and unless you get to the bottom, that behaviour just shows its ugly head again! I was talking to a dear sister of mine just the other day and she was sharing her constant struggle with her own 'wart' and I remembered my wart, and the need to expose the roots and friends like Katie. Tears filled my eyes because I believe this 'wart' was stealing some beauty from her. I wanted to help her get rid of her 'warts', just like I have SO often been helped to get rid of mine (warts and 'warts'). I am no doctor, but I know Someone that is. So, I'm ready! I'm ready to 'dewart'. I'm ready to be a 'Katie' and get dirty...only by God's Grace! I want to live 'wart' free and desire others to live 'wart' free as well. I might even make t-shirts. I would wear one!
Romans 5:6-7
"knowing this, that our old self was crucified wiht Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin; for he who has died is freed from sin."
2 Corinthians 5:17
"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things have passed away;
behold, new things have come."
ang - thanks so much for sharing. i love that you are a 'katie' in my life...that you continually point me to Jesus & challenge me in a loving way & by your example to pursue excellence & 'de-wart'.
Thanks Aim! Love all my 'de-warting' friends!! ALSO, love comments so thanks for that too. :)
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