
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cleaning and Squeezing

I have felt the need for organization these past couple of days.  Is 'Spring Cleaning' a feeling that comes with the onset of spring?  So, I went for it and organized my pantry.  I even took before and after pictures....


Phew!  Feels good.  Really, I took the pictures in hopes of motivating me to continue on to other closets.  We'll see how that goes....
Of course, I couldn't pass up posting some pictures of this little cutie.  Couldn't you just squeeze him?  I do.  Often. 

Happy Spring Cleaning everyone.  
Just don't let it get in the way of squeezing your 'squeezeables'!

1 comment:

Amy said...

i'm very blessed to be able to squeeze your little squeezable every so often ;o)
way to go with the organizing! i have never seen that pantry so organized - you make me proud!
happy easter!