
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Our First Date

The plan was to go to a concert with a couple of the youth, but for some reason our tickets did not make it into our hands. We offered to drive them down to TO and decided to relive our 'first date'. It was a gladly accepted change of plans.

We ate at our favourite restaurant, 'The Red Room' (very ecelectic and inexpensive), walked around downtown a bit and finished off with a very yummy, chocolate brownie sundae at 'The Elephant and The Castle.'

We did miss our one year old terribly but it was so great to hang out just the two of us. I love my husband!

P.S. 2 posts in one day...I really do have a 'new motivation'!

Our Baby is ONE!

Hard to believe, but our little boy is one! We had a great time with family and friends, celebrating our precious boy.

We had a giraffe rice krispy cake...

with some giraffe heads...and lots of presents...

Overall, it was a great day! He even looks like an 1 year old now.
Don't you think?

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year=New Motivation

Okay, so it has been OVER a YEAR since I have last posted something here. I’m surprised the ‘blogging world’ has not deleted me. Although, I believe many of you have given up on me.

Well, I guess with a new year, I’m feeling a little motivated and yet a little apprehensive. Seems life has picked up and I must admit, if this is too much of a distraction then I will need to let my little blog to rest again. But, as for right now, I thought I would say hello to my little blogging friends! I love reading your blogs oh so much (I even get saddened if I don’t see something new every couple of weeks…who am I to talk?).

So, the last post here I was a wee bit pregnant. Since then, I got MUCH bigger and now have a growing, fun, sweet, big brown eyed almost ONE year old! Crazy how this little guy... looks like this…

He brings us so much joy. He’s a fun little bean (as we often refer to him). He’ll be one on the 17th of this month. Some days have seemed longer than others, but overall, I join the rest of the world in saying, ‘Time Flies’.

Since summing up the past year in words seems a little daunting, maybe I’ll try some pictures…

Happy New Year everyone (or to the few that actually read this). We'll see how long this lasts...:)