
Monday, July 18, 2011

Top 10 Books I've Read (so far).

This top 10 was a tough one for me!  You can tell a lot about a person by what they read and so I’m feeling a little ‘exposed’ but that’s a good thing right?  I also feel like this list could change.  Tomorrow I may remember a book that I was challenged by and wish I put it on here, but for what it is, here ya go!
I would recommend any of these books to you as they have challenged me and helped me in my pursuit to know Jesus more.  I would LOVE to hear of books that are on your top 10.  Thanks for reading and sharing!
1.     The Seeking Heart- Fenelon
2.     The Hiding Place- Corrie TenBoom
3.     Instruments in the Hands of the Redeemer- Paul David Tripp
4.     Give them Grace (still in the process of reading, but SO great so far)- Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson
5.     Forgotten God- Francis Chan
6.     Pleasing People: How not to be an “approval junkie”- Lou Priolo
7.     Attributes of God- A.W. Pink
8.     The Pleasures of God- John Piper
9.     Hinds Feet on High Places- Hannah Hurnard
10. A Lifetime of Wisdom: Embracing the Way God Heals You- Joni Eareckson Tada