
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Another Top 10

Contentment in Christ

A little while back, I was given the privilege of speaking to a group of wonderful young adult ladies.  In hopes of challenging them to be content in Christ, no matter what their circumstance, I was definitely challenged myself.  So, through some study, prayer and experience, here are some ways I am challenged to be content in Christ alone! 

Contentment in Christ comes:

1.    When I am not mastered by anything!
Galatians 5:1

2.    When I repent of my idols…and do it before it’s too late!
Psalm 81:9

3.    When I am surrendered to God’s will for me.

4.    When I study who He is and remember His promises and all He has already done.
Psalm 34:8-11

5.    When I make the most of even the mundane for Christ.

6.    When I get over myself and serve others.
Philippians 2:13-18

7.    In the most unexpected places.
Jeremiah 15:16, Psalm 81:16

8.    When I keep my sense of Humour
Proverbs 31:25

9.    When I rejoice when others receive something I’ve always wanted. Romans 12:15-18

10. Overall, contentment comes when I learn it!
Philippians 4:11-12

I would love to hear how are you learning to be content in Christ alone.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Top 10

So, I've decided to resurrect this thing yet again!  I thought I would share some of my top 10 lists with you...all 2 of you.  I'll post these weekly (or maybe bi-weekly...or maybe even monthly.  We'll see how this goes). The lists are definitely not exhaustive and I would LOVE to hear any ideas that you would like to share.  Thanks for reading...Amy. :)

10 Things to Do With Your Toddler

1.    Have a birthday party for one of their stuffed animals.  Candles and presents included.  We used a tea light and wrapped up a cookie.

2.    Build a fort and eat a picnic lunch in it.

3.    Get a bucket and pick up rocks and paint them.

4.    Draw a picture for one of their friends and mail it to that friend.

5.    Visit a nursing home.

6.    Make a special treat/picture for daddy, thanking him for being such a great dad.

7.    Build a train for their stuffed animals out of cardboard boxes or blocks.

8.    Visit ‘Hubbard’s Cupboard’, a great website, and download some great resources there:

9.    Get some rice or pasta (if summer, water) with various containers and utensils.  My son LOVED to pour rice into each different cup and bucket and pretend to make soup, etc.

10. Make an airplane, or some other vehicle, out of cardboard boxes.  They can paint it, etc.  

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

And We're Back!

A little makeover and some ideas a brewing, we've joined this 'world' again.  I'll be back real soon.