If you haven't visited my other site, please do so: ARAgifts
Monday, November 28, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
An Idea!
So, I'm always trying to figure out what to do with my receipts! I feel like I find them all over the house, which makes a fun job for the end of month budget meetings. So, I saw a similar idea as I pictured below. I changed it to make it suit our needs a little better. I like that it sits out and you can just throw the receipt in. We'll see how this works! I'm open to hearing other ideas as well.
P.S. I found chalkboard stickers on clearance at HomeSense and it has been my favourite purchase in a long time!
P.S. I found chalkboard stickers on clearance at HomeSense and it has been my favourite purchase in a long time!
Monday, October 17, 2011
I am very excited to announce my first ever guest blogger! I met Amber when we moved to Barrie about three and a half years ago. We really started getting to know each other when I went on mat leave and she replaced my position (don't tell her this, but she does a MUCH better job than I ever did:)).
Amber has grown more and more dear to me as I have had the privilege of hearing all about her journey. Each time we meet I am always so encouraged by her and what the Lord is doing in her heart. I see a surrendered heart, love for Jesus, vulnerability, love for her husband and a true desire to want what Jesus wants...no matter what. I know this hasn't been easy for Amber and this is why I asked her to share. I believe we can all relate to her, maybe not in the area of children, but in other unfulfilled longings we may have. I know that you will be encouraged by her story. I have also attached a video of Amber and Tyler. This was played at our church a few weeks ago.
By the way, Amber sings BEAUTIFULLY! I don't have much of a musical ear, but I believe this journey has even grown this gift in her all the more. I wouldn't be surprised if we could buy her cd one day. :) Thanks for sharing Amber.
Amber has grown more and more dear to me as I have had the privilege of hearing all about her journey. Each time we meet I am always so encouraged by her and what the Lord is doing in her heart. I see a surrendered heart, love for Jesus, vulnerability, love for her husband and a true desire to want what Jesus wants...no matter what. I know this hasn't been easy for Amber and this is why I asked her to share. I believe we can all relate to her, maybe not in the area of children, but in other unfulfilled longings we may have. I know that you will be encouraged by her story. I have also attached a video of Amber and Tyler. This was played at our church a few weeks ago.
By the way, Amber sings BEAUTIFULLY! I don't have much of a musical ear, but I believe this journey has even grown this gift in her all the more. I wouldn't be surprised if we could buy her cd one day. :) Thanks for sharing Amber.
Hearts Longing
First I want to thank Ang for the opportunity to be a guest writer on her blog – it is a true honour :o)
We all long for something, don’t we? Whether it be a spouse, a house, a bigger house, a better job, a new car, a new piece of clothing, children the list goes on and on. Our hearts become gripped with the desire for these earthly things, we spend time thinking about them and how to attain them, we imagine what life would be like with this ‘thing’ that we want so desperately; and sometimes the ‘thing’ that we are desiring can be a good thing, a gift from the Lord, and he has maybe even placed the desire in our hearts. But despite the fact that the Lord may have given us a desire he certainly never wanted us to desire it more than we desire him. Not getting what you want is tough, whether you’re 3 or 30 but in these circumstances the Lord teaches us a very tough but sweet lesson. He has everything we need. He alone can satisfy.
Just over two years ago my husband and I began the journey of starting a family. After one year without conceiving we began to investigate to see if there was something preventing this from happening. After months worth of waiting and appointments, we received news that it did not look like we were going to be able to have children of our own. We were sent to see a specialist and again the prognosis didn’t look great. Throughout this time many of our friends and other couples our age were having children. This was a very dark time in our lives both individually and as a couple. The longing for children was great and this made the pain that much greater. Every time we heard someone else’s joyous news it felt like the wound that was already unhealed was being opened once again. There were many tears and many prayers. During that time the Lord really taught us that we needed to surrender our hearts to him so that he could begin his refining work in our hearts.
As a church we began to work through the When Life Is Hard curriculum by James MacDonald and I have to say it was very timely for us. We knew that we had a choice to make, either we were going to become bitter and separate ourselves from Christ or we were going to press into him and allow him to mould us and change us, that we would as Job 23:10 says ‘come forth as gold’. Though we had been prayerfully seeking the Lord through this whole time we were underestimating his power to change our hearts. We knew that we needed to rejoice with those who rejoiced – as the Bible commands (Romans 12:15). Not doing our best to congratulate someone while chocking back tears….we needed to be truly happy for those who were rejoicing over news of a pregnancy and praising God for this gift of life and answered prayer. We also needed to trust in him to satisfy our hearts deepest longings even if we never had children of our own. There were good days and bad days and slowly over time I could feel the Lord softening my heart and revealing the idols that I had allowed to enter my heart.
At the beginning of this year we had a follow up appointment with the specialist. On our way to this appointment I listened repeatedly to JJ Heller’s song Your Hands and can honestly say that the Lord’s peace and flooded my heart. I knew that he already knew the outcome, the results, everything, and it was all safely in his hands and so was my heart. The news we heard that day was that the Lord had worked a miracle and that there was a way for us to have children of our own. I was in awe! Even when we are in the midst of a deep trial the Lord knows what we can handle, ‘his yoke is easy and his burden is light’ (Matthew 11:30) – he allows us to catch our breath and then reminds us of his overwhelming goodness!
The journey is still not over for us, the road is still difficult but God is carrying us through – and we still don’t know the outcome but we have hope in him. Regardless of the outcome– the Lord’s goodness remains unchanged. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His love for me is perfect. His grace is sufficient. His mercies new everyday. The Lord has changed my heart – and his work is still not done (thank the Lord for that!)
One passage that has been on my heart through this journey is Psalm 63:1-8. I pray that this would be my hearts true desire, that my deepest heart longing would be for my Saviour and my King. It reads,
O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory. Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands.
My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.
We had the great honour of sharing our story with our church family just a few weeks ago. We are truly humbled that the Lord chose us as a way to share with others of his amazing grace!
Here's the video: http://vimeo.com/29955413
Here's the video: http://vimeo.com/29955413
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Top 10 under 10
I've been thinking a lot about gift giving lately. I love to give gifts and, lets be honest, I love to receive them too. :) A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine, knit me this amazing cowl. Didn't she do a great job?
If you're like me, you don't have lots of wiggle room in the budget, so I thought I would share some 'gifts on a budget' list, $10 (okay maybe $15) and under.
If you're like me, you don't have lots of wiggle room in the budget, so I thought I would share some 'gifts on a budget' list, $10 (okay maybe $15) and under.
- A gift card for their (or your) favourite coffee shop.
- One of your favourite books. Write in the opening page why it's your fave.
- A book of your favourite recipes (3 ring binder with sheet protectors...or something of the sort).
- Some baked goods or even a meal.
- A donation to a ministry/charity in their name
- If you haven't been to ETSY, head on over. They have some great handmade gifts to peruse.
- Support your friends! Maybe your friend has a talent (like my scarf I received). Ask if they will make you whatever they are good at and support/encourage their gifts/talents. Believe me, they will be so encouraged!
- If they have children, provide childcare so they can go out (even if it's just to grocery shop).
- A journal with a purpose. Purchase a journal and personalize it. Write scriptures and other ideas/encouragement throughout.
- And of course, I must encourage you to purchase a mug cozy! Visit ARA Gifts for ideas.
Give Away!
So, if you're interested in a chance to win a free giveaway, head on over to ARA Gifts to enter: ARA gifts give away.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
I like to buy new shirts. There. I said it. Kind of like a confession. But, I find myself in a different place today. This past month, Mike and I (okay, maybe more Mike) decided to do a budget freeze. Basically, anything outside of groceries, gas and diapers is just not an option. In the same way that this has, on many levels, been difficult, it has been SO freeing! A while back, I was praying that we, as a family, would not be mastered by anything! I don't know about you, but I am SO easily mastered. Sometimes, I feel like if you just dangle a carrot (or a shirt or a house) in front of me, I'll just follow. Eventually, I began to believe that I NEED that 'carrot' and will not be satisfied until it is mine. Ew. What a gross, 'running the treadmill', way of living. When I allow 'things' to be my master, I will always and forever be disappointed.
How many times have I read that and didn't think it really applied to me cause I don't love money and I would not be considered wealthy...to some at least. BUT, when I see this verse today, I realize there are many things that can master me and I just am SICK of it! Praise God. I'm seeing, more and more, the 'thing' that I think is bringing me freedom is actually enslaving me.
Matthew 6:24 states, 'No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or will be devoted to the one and despise the other. you cannot serve God and wealth.'
1 Corinthians 6:12- All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.
God is so faithful eh? I am so thankful for how He gently reminds us and draws us to Himself. Praise God!
And just cause he's cute, I'll end with this (hope he always feels this way about the Word). :)
Friday, September 16, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
He is Here!
Saturday afternoon we returned from seeing old friends, enjoying the beautiful Adirondacks and making some new memories with some dear friends. It was wonderful. I think I might do a ‘Top 10’ of our vacation, but wanted to share this experience with you first.
Through a couple of women, that I greatly respect, I was encouraged to read ‘One Thousand Gifts’ by Ann Voskamp. I am so thankful for these people in my life, as reading this book is doing wonderful things to my perspective. Ann writes SO beautifully. I felt like we were having coffee as she was sharing her life and challenging me to examine my own. (A great review on the book can be found here: One Thousand Gifts) Ann challenges her readers to live life fully RIGHT where they are. That we would be thankful even in the laundry room or over the kitchen sink. This kind of gratitude promises to change your outlook.
Anyways, as I was reading on the dock of our cottage, this happened.
I was listening to the beauty of the moment. A soft song playing, wind blowing, sun shining lightly through the clouds, waters crashing, the slow sway of the dock and I didn’t want to open my eyes. It was one of those moments that you wish you could stay in forever. The kind of moment where I find it so easy to think on my Saviour, to call out to Him and where nothing seems to distract me from that focus. But, I opened them. I just so happened to do so when a motorboat was passing by, complete with jolly, shirtless, older and rather ‘hairy’ men. Talk about an abrupt awakening. I had to laugh and I had to thank. God was in that moment. He was in the ‘serene dock moment’ just as much as He was in the ‘motor boat moment’.
I so badly want to hang on to those 'dock-like' times. Moments like singing together with a body of believers that love Jesus, sitting on a dock with my son, feet dangling over the side and having a ‘little chat’, being surrounded by old friends in sweet fellowship, that only gets sweeter, or eating ice cream or drinking a good cup of coffee with hubby and the list could go on. I’ve often seen the other moments, the ‘not so attractive laundry type moments’ as interruptions to the tranquil moments I love. But, through ‘One Thousand Gifts’, prayer and by His grace, I am beginning to see…He is there too! And when I go to change a diaper or soothe a crying babe or attempt to build a tower of primary coloured blocks for the 20th time only to have my little guy knock it down, He is there!
Prior to my ‘dock’ moment, I was telling Mike that I wasn’t ready to go back to reality. But you know what? I am. I may even be a little excited. Excited to have a new perspective, new trust, new found gratitude for my everyday. Excited to see God in the playroom, the laundry room, the dishes, the dinner hour and yes, even in the whining. He’s there! Did I just not look before? I mean, I've always 'known' He is everywhere. But did I not realize that I can be intimately involved with Him in those places? He’s not just on my ‘mini dock retreat’. I feel like I am merely beginning to scratch the surface of the depths of His love. He is good, all the time. I am so thankful for His grace. He is there and He is here!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Top 10 Books I've Read (so far).
This top 10 was a tough one for me! You can tell a lot about a person by
what they read and so I’m feeling a little ‘exposed’ but that’s a good thing
right? I also feel like this list
could change. Tomorrow I may
remember a book that I was challenged by and wish I put it on here, but for what it
is, here ya go!
I would recommend any of these books to you as they have
challenged me and helped me in my pursuit to know Jesus more. I would LOVE to hear of books that are
on your top 10. Thanks for reading
and sharing!
The Seeking Heart- Fenelon
The Hiding Place- Corrie TenBoom
Instruments in the Hands of the Redeemer- Paul
David Tripp
Give them Grace (still in the process of
reading, but SO great so far)- Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson
Forgotten God- Francis Chan
Pleasing People: How not to be an “approval
junkie”- Lou Priolo
Attributes of God- A.W. Pink
The Pleasures of God- John Piper
Hinds Feet on High Places- Hannah Hurnard
10. A Lifetime of Wisdom: Embracing the Way God Heals You- Joni Eareckson Tada
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Another Top 10
Contentment in Christ
A little while back, I was given the privilege of speaking to a group of wonderful young adult ladies. In hopes of challenging them to be content in Christ, no matter what their circumstance, I was definitely challenged myself. So, through some study, prayer and experience, here are some ways I am challenged to be content in Christ alone!
Contentment in Christ comes:
1. When I am not mastered by anything!
Galatians 5:1
2. When I repent of my idols…and do it before it’s too late!
Psalm 81:9
3. When I am surrendered to God’s will for me.
4. When I study who He is and remember His promises and all He has already done.
Psalm 34:8-11
5. When I make the most of even the mundane for Christ.
6. When I get over myself and serve others.
Philippians 2:13-18
7. In the most unexpected places.
Jeremiah 15:16, Psalm 81:16
8. When I keep my sense of Humour
Proverbs 31:25
9. When I rejoice when others receive something I’ve always wanted. Romans 12:15-18
10. Overall, contentment comes when I learn it!
Philippians 4:11-12
I would love to hear how are you learning to be content in Christ alone.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Top 10
So, I've decided to resurrect this thing yet again! I thought I would share some of my top 10 lists with you...all 2 of you. I'll post these weekly (or maybe bi-weekly...or maybe even monthly. We'll see how this goes). The lists are definitely not exhaustive and I would LOVE to hear any ideas that you would like to share. Thanks for reading...Amy. :)
10 Things to Do With Your Toddler
1. Have a birthday party for one of their stuffed animals. Candles and presents included. We used a tea light and wrapped up a cookie.
2. Build a fort and eat a picnic lunch in it.
3. Get a bucket and pick up rocks and paint them.
4. Draw a picture for one of their friends and mail it to that friend.
5. Visit a nursing home.
6. Make a special treat/picture for daddy, thanking him for being such a great dad.
7. Build a train for their stuffed animals out of cardboard boxes or blocks.
8. Visit ‘Hubbard’s Cupboard’, a great website, and download some great resources there: http://www.hubbardscupboard.org/
9. Get some rice or pasta (if summer, water) with various containers and utensils. My son LOVED to pour rice into each different cup and bucket and pretend to make soup, etc.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
And We're Back!
A little makeover and some ideas a brewing, we've joined this 'world' again. I'll be back real soon.
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